Our proposals |
At scientific laboratories
scientific and design works for mining and chemical industry;
- designs on raw material mining, concentration and processing;
- works on ecology, mined land reclamation, open pits and tailings liquidation;
- designs on chemistry, of boiler houses, gas, water and el. Power supply;
geotechnical investigations, inspection and assessment;
- manufacture of equpment, small-lott chemicals;
- certification and analysis of products at certified laboratories.
- extra pure sulphur, with sulphur content not less than 99,9999%
for use in non-linear optics devices, quantum mechanics, pharmaceutical industry;
- extra pure sulphur, with sulphur content not less than 99,9999% used in
production of luminophors, cosmetics, in pharmaceutical industry as extra
pure reagent;
- chalks for schools and tailors;
- mineral fertilizers other chemicals.