бюр "ц╡пу╡лопнл"

EXPERIMENTAL PLANT "ROZDOL" produces a number of products for different sectors of national economy:
1. SUPER PURE ELEMENTAL SULPHUR OF GRADE 15-3 - is widely used in semiconductor and pharmaceutic industries as well as for manufacturing cosmetic preparations and chemical grade products and reagents
Mass fraction, %, not more than
gallium, copper, silver 5x10-5
arsenium 5x10-5
aluminium,iron,manganese,, nickel, tin, lead 1x10-4
The roduct is manufactured in the form of fine dispersed powder and granules of arbitrary size.
Packaging on customers' request.
2. "SEGRA -80", "SEGRA -VOT"- acarofungicyde
Mass fraction, %
sulphur 80 2
moisture,max 3
Min.stability of 0.5% water suspension,% 70
Fineness (residual on M009 screen),%, 2 max.
pH of 1%water suspension 5,8
The preparation is highly efficient for powdery mildew control on apple, quince, pear trees, currant bushes, sugar beets and other cultures.
It is manufactured in the form of arbitrary granules and powder.
Packaging on customers' request from 0.5 to 20 kg

3. "SEGRA-DYMOK" - a sulhur- based preparation used for desinfection of hotbeds, , cellars, greenhouses, vegetable-storage sheds, garden tools and containers
It is manufactured in the form of arbitrary granules.
Packaging on customers' request from 0.5 to 20 kg

4. SUPER PURE SULPHUR OF GRADE 12-5-is used for fabricating componets of electronic instruments, obtaining super pure substances and for other purposes.
Max. mass fraction ,% :
aluminium 2x10-5
galium 1x10-6
iron 2x10-5
cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, tin, lead, silver 1x10-6
Packed in vacuum quartz ampoules containing 0.2 -1 gr each.

5. ANTITITLINE-1 - tobacco powder for protecting fruit and berry cultures, bushes against plant louse,thrips,caterpillars,leaf-chewing insects. It is manufactured in the form of powder and tablets.

6. "ZOOSORBIDE" is used for extermination of rats and mice in dwellings and other premises.
The agent is made of cereals.
It is packed by 0.3 kg or as per customer requires.

7. "PEAT OXIDATE" highly efficient peat -based agent. It is used for plant growth accelaration, desease control and increase in productivity concurrently with products upgrading. The agent is harmless to people and plants.
Packed in 1l poluethylene bottles or as required by the customer.

8. Chack sticksfor schools and cutters
The experimental plant has a stock of machine tools and shops for mechanical workto make nonstandard equipment - pumps, grinding devices and vessels using stainless steel and and titan as well.
The plant has also at its disposal operating laboratory and experimental units for investigations and making pilot batches of products. High-skilled specialists of the plant can erect chemical euipment , electric equipment and automation means, carry out repair, starting up and adjustment operations at plants.
Director - Hryhoriy M. Heletiy
Tel/fax (032)0 34-00-62, tel.(0322) 39-96-25
Address: 98, Stryyska str.,79026, Lviv.

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